Saturday, August 29, 2009

Apple Hill and Labor Day

Ahh, the hot days of August are winding down---only supposed to be 85 next week.  Time for apple season to start!  Yes, Apple Hill begins next weekend and we are looking forward to all sorts of delicious treats (ciders, strudels, tarts, pies, and of course the crafts items that are on display).  We are going to get apple donuts on Labor Day!  I can hardly wait!

The El Dorado County Artists at holding their Annual Studio Tour Sept 18-20 and we still have one room available for you art lovers (or you can come for Apple Hill donuts!).  91 artists, 30 locations, 3 days--how can you go wrong?

Make the Albert Shafsky House B&B your home base for exploring all that El Dorado County has to offer.

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