The Albert Shafsky House bed and breakfast inn in Placerville blog. Find out about innkeeping from an innkeeper in California. We have been innkeeping in Placerville, California for over 8 years. Keep up with the happenings in California's beautiful, historic Gold Country, in the foothills between Sacramento and South Lake Tahoe.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thanksgiving and geocaching in Placerville
Albert Shafsky House B&B
Find more than Thanksgiving leftovers by geocaching in Placerville! You will never look at the world outside the same way.
PLACERVILLE, CA, August 14, 2009 -- Albert Shafsky House B&B to offer geocaching with the innkeepers this Thanksgiving.
This Thanksgiving you can find more than turkey and stuffing in Placerville. The Albert Shafsky House Bed and Breakfast is offering a "How to Geocache" over the holiday weekend with the innkeepers. Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunt, where you use a GPS to locate a cache that has been "logged" into Geocaching.com. Fun for all ages, there are plenty of caches in the gold rush town of Placerville to keep you busy all weekend.
The $150 package includes:
special check-in reception
introduction to geocaching and hands-on experience hunting for caches
tips for successful "finds"
Geomate.jr. for guests to use and take home (one per room)
supplies to make your first "hide"
** 3 nights lodging at the Albert Shafsky House B&B in Placerville (AAA rated and number 1 on Tripadvisor) not included in package - rates will vary depending on your room choice
The Geomate.jr. is preloaded with 250,000 geocache locations in all 50 U.S. states and is a great way to get started in the world of geocaching. The festivities will begin on Thursday at 6 pm with wine and nibbles at check-in. Learn how to cache after breakfast on Friday, then head downtown with the innkeepers to find your first cache of the weekend. Saturday after a delicious breakfast, we will create your first hide (materials provided), be shown how to create a free account on geocaching.com, and look up hints and tips for finding more caches. “Geocaching is not only great fun for kids and adults alike but an excellent way to explore any neighborhood” said Warren Hewerdine, Senior Director of Marketing at Apisphere and co-inventor of the Geomate.jr, “By offering a geocaching program like this, the Albert Shafsky House B & B is not just offering a great way for their guests to explore the local area, but introducing them to an activity that they can enjoy long after their visit.”
For still more reasons to visit, Placerville will be starting the holidays off with a tree lighting on Friday, November 27th from 5:30-8:00 pm which closes Historic Main Street to cars and offers music, entertainment, Santa, stagecoach rides and shopping for that special gift. Saturday, November 28th the shops on Main will welcome you with coffee, cider and seasonal goodies to tempt you...and maybe you can find the cache at the Historic Bell Tower too!
The innkeepers of the Albert Shafsky House (Rita Timewell and Stephanie Carlson) have been hunting for caches for over a year and have over a hundred "finds", large and small, near their award winning bed and breakfast. "It gets us out of the inn, and let's us see the world (and our neighborhood) in a new way" said Carlson. The inn has three guest rooms, each with private bath, offers wine, wireless and of course a delightful breakfast during your stay.
SOURCE: Albert Shafsky House Bed and Breakfast
Albert Shafsky House Bed and Breakfast
Email: stay@shafsky.com
URL: http://www.shafsky.com
For more information about the Geomate.jr: email warren@apishere.com or to to www.mygeomate.com
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Apple Hill and Labor Day
The El Dorado County Artists at holding their Annual Studio Tour Sept 18-20 and we still have one room available for you art lovers (or you can come for Apple Hill donuts!). 91 artists, 30 locations, 3 days--how can you go wrong?
Make the Albert Shafsky House B&B your home base for exploring all that El Dorado County has to offer.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Don't let the Gold Discovery Park be closed...
If you can help, we would love it...we have had a number of friends and family, and guests go to the the park and we all love it. At just minutes from the Albert Shafsky House B&B, this is a one the treasures that we really don't want to lose.
So, here is the page from the website with donation information and places to write letters...and there is a meeting in the park Thursday, August 27 @ 6:00pm in the park by the museum - BRING A FRIEND
Help Stop the Closure of the State Park Where Gold Was Discovered!
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 22 August 2009 08:17
Latest Updates
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 27 @ 6:00pm in the park by the museum - BRING A FRIEND
Flyers and posters will be available for download Saturday evening or Sunday. Feel free to copy and hand them out.
What's Going On...
Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park is on the closure list. Not much information is available from the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), and we are told a decision on the final list of closures will not be available until after Labor Day. This is the most significant historic park in the state and probably west of the Missouri river. Over 70,000 school children visit every spring to see the living history Coloma brings to life with docents, tours, and demonstrations of the Gold Rush era. It is the number one destination in the Sacramento area.
The closure will not stop people from coming to the park. Highway 49 runs right through the park and fencing it off is impossible. People will not stop coming and if the State closes it the historic buildings and sites are in danger of vandalism and deterioration. The public safety during closure is of high concern to DPR. Artifacts now in the museum will have to be moved to Sacramento for safe keeping. People will not stop coming to the park. We are determined to stop the closure and keep the staff and volunteer programs.
How you can help:
Write letters, pass out flyers,etc. (Flyers will be posted for download soon.)
Let us know your ideas (contact gdpa@marshallgold.org )
Talking Points for letter writing campaign:
The park won't really close, it will just deteriorate without oversight and upkeep
No security for historic treasures - they will be lost
Thousands of visitors every year will find no parking or public restrooms
Over 70,000 school children visit every year and would be turned away
Living history with historic buildings and docents interpreting the Gold Rush era
Twenty plus years of building a volunteer base will be lost
Public safety, health & welfare must be maintained by keeping it staffed and serviced
It has immense historic and educational value - in California history, and as the nucleus of the CA State Park system
It is a wonderful recreational resource for many types of people and families
It is an important economic engine that many local and CA businesses depend upon
It will be more expensive to try to keep people out than to keep it open & running
How to Help...
Write Letters:
Governor Schwarzenegger - http://gov.ca.gov/interact , State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814
Director of California State Parks Ruth Coleman - rcoleman@parks.ca.gov , Director of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 942896, Sacramento, CA 94296
Legislators in the area and outside the area...
Find your legislator at assembly.ca.gov and senate.ca.gov and gov.ca.gov
Distribute Flyers
Download and Print
Flyers (3 on a 8.5x11 sheet) Available soon
Poster (for business windows, mailboxes, etc.) Available soon
Join March on the Capitol
Planning stage - volunteer to help
Needs to happen in next 7 to 10 days
What is being done:
Ron Briggs, 4th district county Supervisor bosfour@co.el-dorado.ca.us
Working on a request to meet with the Governor
Pursuing political avenues
Holding community meetings
Has put together a resolution to keep the park open
Is putting together a "Red Team" like they did with the Camino Mill closure
Is working to help coordinate local efforts to keep the park open
Community Action Committees being formed
Letter Writing Campaign - contact Lois Fortress, gdpa@marshallgold.org
Contact schools that have visited the park and request they send letters to the Governor or legislatures (teachers, kids, districts, etc)
Create flyers to hand out in community, to teachers, to school children, post in businesses, etc
March on the Capitol - contact Lois Fortress, gdpa@marshallgold.org
Organize children and docents in period dress, if possible, to gather at the capitol on a certain date
Ron Briggs is working on the best date and arrangements
Coordinated by Ron Briggs and Lois Fortress for now, need a chairperson
Impact on Community, contact Marjorie, info@colomacountryinn.com
The Lotus/Coloma Chamber of Commerce is taking the lead on this one. Info will be posted on www.coloma.com
Links will be provided here when available
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Albert Shafsky House B&B Receives 2009 Best of Placerville Award
Albert Shafsky House B&B Receives 2009 Best of Placerville Award
U.S. Commerce Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement
WASHINGTON D.C., June 8, 2009 -- Albert Shafsky House B&B has been selected for the 2009 Best of Placerville Award in the Bed & Breakfasts category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).
The USCA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2009 USCA Award Program focused on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USCA and data provided by third parties.
About U.S. Commerce Association (USCA)
U.S. Commerce Association (USCA) is a Washington D.C. based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large and small, across America. The purpose of USCA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.
The USCA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
August Pig Roast this weekend
1100 Wallace Rd
Placerville, CA 95667
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Been a while since I have had a chance to update the blog for Placerville
U.S. Commerce Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement
WASHINGTON D.C., June 8, 2009 -- Albert Shafsky House B&B has been selected for the 2009 Best of Placerville Award in the Bed & Breakfasts category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).
The USCA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2009 USCA Award Program focused on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USCA and data provided by third parties.
About U.S. Commerce Association (USCA)
U.S. Commerce Association (USCA) is a Washington D.C. based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large and small, across America. The purpose of USCA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.
The USCA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.