Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Geocache in Placerville

I love innkeeping, but I also am addicted to geocaches, geocaching, and all things caches related. So I thought I would give you a list to all the caches you can find under my name on

To Boldly Go....  this was my first puzzle cache
Caching iz cool   nope, it is sneakier than an LPC
Gold Bug Park   my first Earthcache here in the only gold mine owned by a city
Somewhere Over the ... think donuts...
Walk Softly   nice place to rest
Care-ful   Stop, before you look
Big Whistle Blow  near the old railline
Historic Victorian Homes  by the Albert Shafsky House B&B
Archer  at a favorite winery
In Memory of Clem  in San Luis Obispo for Rit'a brother
Happy Anniversary Geocaching  another favorite winery
Vineyard View   another favorite winery

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