November 10 & 11 brings us two great events: Festival of Trees
Elaborately decorated Christmas Trees, wreaths and centerpieces on display and auctioned off to benefit local service clubs. Local school and church choir, dance companies, theater groups performances. Wine tasting, food, more! Dinner auction on Friday, Nov 10 from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Friday, 11/10 10:00 - 5:00; Sat - 10:00 to 5:00 p.m. El Dorado County Fairgrounds, 100 Placerville Drive, Placerville
For more information contact: (530) 621-5860 AND on Nov 11th the
El Dorado County Veterans Monument Dedication
Dedication of the largest Veterans Monument west of the Mississippi. The 114 monument structure, plaza, walk and circle of honor take up most of the 2 acre site. !! Flag poles honoring each branch of our armed forces, veterans groups & POW/MIA. A flight of F-16s will announce the beginning of the ceremony at !:00 p.m. sharp 1:00 p.m. Corner of Fair Lane and Ray Lawyer Drive, at the EDC government center No cost
For more information contact: Richard W. Buchanan, Founder (530) 626-7762 followed by 13th Annual Taste of Late Harvest on the 12th of Nov
This is a special day .because we have samples for you to taste, mulled wine and music to listen to while you are tasting. 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mother Lode Orchards, 4341 North Canyon Road, Camino For more information contact: Mother Lode Orchards, 4341 North Canyon Road, Camino (530) 644-8200
Oooh, where is the Veteran's Memorial? Will have to go see that over Christmas.
Oooh, where is the Veteran's Memorial? Will have to go see that over Christmas.
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